Its really quite simple. I started this blog for several reasons.
I want to lose weight. I want to feel better. I want to look better. I want to be more healthy. But most importantly I want to live longer, and I know that if I continue down the road that I am on now, I will die young.
My hope is that this blog will turn from a journal about losing weight and controlling blood sugar into a blog about health maintenance and wellness.
I have heard some things about losing weight and it causing one's diabetes to go into remission. So I want to be a guinea pig of sorts and provide other diabetics with a sort of anecdotal experience. Lets just see, if in my case this is true.
I am also doing this because I need the support of others. I don't know any type 2 diabetics, and I am hoping to draw inspiration and motivation from my fellow type 2 diabetics.
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