Wednesday, October 27, 2010

a breakthrough of sorts

I have been a diabetic for 9 years, and had read about how important exercise was, but did not really listen.  I am now rapidly becoming convinced that exercise is essential in controlling blood sugar.  I have to also admit that there are times in the past that I have not done a good job controlling my blood sugar.  In fact I had not gone to the doctor for a while, and was sure that I was completely out of whack.  Well, since I have recommitted myself over the past 6 months, I have been really frustrated.  During the day I could, through diet and medication, keep my blood sugar down in the range that it is supposed to be.  However, when I would wake up in the morning, take a blood sugar reading, even when I had eaten well  (low carbs, no dessert, etc) my blood sugar would spike (usually between 170-200), which is actually not that uncommon for some suffers of diabetes.  This was in fact extremely discouraging.

Well, since I have been exercising (riding my bike) 3-5 times per week, I am now starting to notice that my blood sugar has started to come down in the morning.  I did a 19 mile ride yesterday morning (will do a recovery ride this afternoon) and my blood sugar readings all day were right where they were supposed to be.  Last night I was hungry and ate a bunch of crackers, which I was sure was going to cause my blood sugar to spike even worse than normal during the night.  This morning, my reading was 150.  Yes it was 20 points too high, but in the past even if I had eaten right, my blood sugar would be way out of whack when I would wake up in the morning.   Thus, I think I have made a big discovery.   Exercise is essential.

Remember, my experiences are anecdotal.  Each person is different.

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